I have two
topics to share with you this evening.
First of
all, I would like to urge the board to use the opportunity of naming new
schools to honor dedicated educators who have served Katy ISD. Teachers go into this profession knowing they
will not get rich; they will not get famous; and the only acclaim they will
receive will be from the few students who are lucky enough to call them
“teacher”. By naming a school after an
educator, the district will acknowledge the service and professionalism that
makes Katy ISD a “destination district”.
Imagine what Katy would have looked like without a Roosevelt Alexander,
a Garland McMeans, or a James E. Taylor.
Our community has been very lucky to have them and teachers like them
working with our kids every day, and to name a school in their honor would be a
terrific way to say what they mean to us.
Please consider naming not only the elementary campuses, but also the
junior high, and yes, next year even the new high school, after a dedicated
Next, I
would like to continue to address you regarding the topics of “integrity and
Last month,
I stated that over past several months, Mr. Huckaby has on at least 3 occasions
made statements implying that he was privy to some allegation of wrongdoing,
and explained that when he was asked to show his proof, he said he didn’t have
it with him. He has now indicated in a
press release that he can’t share his proof with us because the person from
whom he heard it won’t allow him to tell us about it.
As a
taxpayer, I must ask Mr. Huckaby to refrain from spreading rumors and
hearsay. This incident goes to show how
important the integrity of individual board members is, and how important it is
that you as individuals not spread rumors and hearsay from the dais.
In it’s paragraph on “Honor in
Conduct”, Policy BBF local on Board Ethics states,
“I will base my decisions on fact
rather than supposition, opinion, or public favor.”
Sadly, no
matter how baseless and ridiculous a rumor might be, by repeating it from the
position of a seated board member, you are stamping it as credible. In so doing, you violate this policy because
you interject supposition for substantiated facts and hearsay for verifiable information,
and accordingly make it more difficult for all members of the board to adhere
to this policy.