Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Katy Students Win State; Head For National Competition!

My “guest columnist” here is John Eberlan.  His enthusiasm toward this group of students is infectious!  Anyone who has had a delicious lunch at the Old Town Bistro knows how talented these kids are and how terrific this program is. 

In case not everyone has seen this story...  http://katyisd.org/communications/News/113-12.aspx

This is a fantastic group of kids that was rockin' last month in Austin.  This is only their third year in the competition and they won first place in Texas, so are going to nationals!  

When I read this story my mind wandered back to the laborious process of getting funds together for an out-of-state trip for the Band; lots of fund raising, lots of partial payments and nearly a year to prepare.  This group had a little over a month to prepare for this trip and I thought we could do something to help.  I spoke to Patty Kenjura (the teacher in charge of Culinary Arts) this morning.  She told me of the many logistical items she has to plan for before the trip; shipping their equipment, 7 more practice sessions, printing T-shirts for the team, etc.  With the timing being less than a month, with Easter on one weekend and another competition taking another weekend, they have no public events we can attend to show our support.

They are looking to raise $3000 that would pay for things like shipping their equipment to Baltimore, purchasing the food in Baltimore that will be part of the competition, purchasing the food that will be consumed in the practice sessions before they leave, and many more things.  

If you want to donate you can send them a check, made out to Katy ISD Culinary Arts.  Send to:

MCTC Culinary Arts
1734 Katyland Dr.
Katy, TX 77493

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