First, I recommend you read George Scott's article about what impact Schofield's election will have on education legislation next year. George and I don't see eye-to-eye on some things, but he is spot-on that Schofield is NOT a friend of public education.
Secondly, Run-off
Reports have been filed by Schofield and Hodge and they are every bit
as interesting as the earlier reports, showing once more that Schofield
is more connected to Austin than to District 132, Cy-Fair or Katy.
Schofield's report shows that between February 23 and May 17, he received 85 contributions. Of those, two are from District 132; 37 are from Austin, and 35 are from Houston zip codes that are NOT in District 132 (zip codes in District 132). Most are from "downtown" attorneys or PACs, and the remainder are from other cities.
Contrast this to Ann Hodge's report, which contains 93 donations in the same time period. Of that, 42 are from District 132 zip codes, 17 are from other Houston zip (but checking the names I recognize many of them as being from or having businesses in the Katy area). Fifteen donations are from Austin zips. The remainder are from other cities.
Take a look at who the contributors are, as well. This will help you know the candidate's interests and where they will spend their energy. Schofield's largest contributor ($25,000+) is from Texans for Lawsuit Reform. Ann Hodge's largest contributor is Texas Parent PAC, for about $5,000. They are a non-partisan organization committed to strengthening Texas public schools. If you are concerned about public education, you need to vote for Ann Hodge! This is a notoriously low-turnout election, so please forward this and my previous post to everyone you know in District 132, and make sure the district has a LOCALLY FOCUSED representative! Early Voting continues through Friday; Election Day is Tuesday. Polling places etc are here.
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