Information about Early Voting Locations in Harris, Ft. Bend and Waller Counties is HERE. GO VOTE!
Last Monday, the School Board discussed what would happen if this bond is defeated. The Chronicle has a headline in today's paper saying Katy is "ready if voters say no". YIKES!!
Of course the District and its staff and teachers will "rise to the occasion". That does NOT mean the schools and student experience won't change. There WILL be changes: Overcrowded schools will have to be the priority, as the district is required by law to educate every child who shows up. That means Operating Fund money (the same pot of money that pays teacher salaries) will have to be used to do things like buy additional portables, rent and build-out additional facilities like shuttered retail space to be classrooms or offices, rent out-of-district stadiums for sporting events, and buses will have to be re-directed to take children to those out-of-neighborhood facilities. Older schools will not be renovated so will continue to serve their students poorly (e.g. Memorial Parkway Jr. High) or not as securely (e.g. Mayde Creek HS). Secondary teachers will not be assigned a classroom and will have to have their planning period in the teacher's lounge. While it ensures every inch of space will be used every minute of the day, why would a talented teacher stick around if they are not even given a desk?
This bond was carefully crafted to NOT require a tax increase. The risk is a tiny 1/2 cent per $100 valuation. To put it in "homeowner terms", we are basically borrowing against our equity, with no increase in our mortgage payments.
If you, like so many people, moved to this district BECAUSE of the wonderful schools, why would you risk the value of your home by voting to change those schools dramatically for the worse??
The School Bond vote is near the end of the ballot. Be sure to scroll down and cast your vote!
I will vote "YES" on the Katy ISD School Bond, and encourage you to, as well. I served on the Bond Committee and am proud of the package we developed.
This bond will provide:
- Six new schools (1 high school, 2 junior highs, and 3 elementary schools) (47.7% of the bond)
- Six comprehensive renovations of our older schools: Mayde Creek High School, Memorial Parkway Jr. High, and Memorial Parkway, Golbow, Cimarron, and Pattison Elementary Schools (18.1%)
- Additional component replacements at 43 other schools and 3 district facilities. (5.6%)
- Program Support Facilities: An additional stadium and Ag Sciences Center (both scaled back from what was proposed and rejected in the Nov. '13 bond) (10.8%)
- Expansions to Miller Career Center and 5 Junior Highs (4.9%)
- Technology (6.7%)
- Security upgrades (1.7%)
- Other items, including design and planning fees for 2 additional elementary schools, buses, portables, etc. (4.5%)
I believe we need this bond, and we need it now. The district has already delayed this bond by over a year, due to concerns at that time about the flagging economy and how that might impact our growth. Thank goodness those concerns did not come to pass here in Katy— we have growth and plenty of it! The 70,000th student enrolled this year, and about 3000 new students come to Katy every year. They come for excellent schools and programs that provide a well-rounded education for our students. The projects in this bond will address that growth, as well as provided badly needed renovations for our older schools.
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