Here are my comments from tonight's school board meeting:
This whole week of shenanigans has not been about
Teacher and Administrator Contracts—it’s about the upcoming election.
Here's the proof: A mass e-mail from Mr. Proctor saying, and I quote: “I believe that we now have another election issue. I think the item below should appeal to taxpayers, teachers, etc. Our candidates must say that they are committed to passing a Local Policy…”
So, taxpayers, teachers, and voters: don’t allow yourself to be manipulated!
And Mr. Proctor: You must decide: Are you a campaign manager or a School Board Trustee? If you want to be a trustee, then explain to me how walking out on a school board meeting in order to prevent the orderly process of school district business fulfills your fiduciary obligation to the students, taxpayers, staff and residents of this district.
The e-mail I referred to is here (Yellow highlighting is mine):
----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Lesa Trapp Sent: Mon, March 26, 2012
8:17:57 AM Subject: FW: Personnel Contracts
Education Support Complex, Merrell Center, Katy, TX
Katy Tea and Save Our Teachers PAC needs you to
show up at the Katy ISD BOT Regular Meeting,
Monday, March 26 at 6:30pm to support Katy ISD
teachers and BOT members Dr. Bill Proctor and Terry
I need you all there tonight. It is time to take back our
schools. Lets show our signs. No more will we take it.
Thank you,
Lesa Trapp
Patriot & HC PCT Chair 618
Subject: Personnel Contracts Date: Mon,
26 Mar 2012 06:23:09 -0500
I sent the information below to a few people. I am going
to follow through on the legality of this issue.
In the event that Joe is correct, I believe that we now
have another election issue. I think the item below
should appeal to taxpayers, teachers, etc.
Our candidates must say that they are committed to
passing a Local Policy that gives the Board the
responsibility for reviewing and approving the language
in all personnel contracts. They want ensure that the
Board exercises its fiduciary responsibility for contracts
and budgets.
I find Joe’s explanation very hard to believe. We may
have been following this procedure over the years but it
does not seem legal to me.
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