Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Proctor and Huckaby Take their Ball and Go Home

Well, theater lovers enjoyed quite the spectacle this evening!  After the closed session, the board members entered the boardroom and, like any other meeting, started greeting the spectators who were in attendance.  I saw Bill Proctor, Terry Huckaby, Rebecca Fox, Joe Adams, and Neal Howard.  Henry Dibrell is in Africa on a mission trip with the Amobi Okoye Foundation, and Robert Shaw continues to recover from major surgery.  The next thing I realized, the board members had all vanished!  Well, that prompted some chatter, but sure enough, in about 15 minutes in walk Fox, Adams, Howard and Robert Shaw! 

They started the meeting, and took votes on the closed session items.  Apparently, Shaw had not been present in the closed session, because he recused himself from the appeal of a grievance because he hadn’t been at the hearing.  As the votes were tallied, Mr. Adams noted that Mr. Dibrell was out of town and, “…Mr. Huckaby and Mr. Proctor have left the building.” 

What does THAT mean?  Did Proctor and Huckaby leave in order to close down the meeting for lack of a quorum?  Did a recovering Bob Shaw have to be called in to make sure 4 members were present so that the business of the district could be conducted? 

These theatrics are reminiscent of the shenanigans of the Texas Democrats who high-tailed it to Ardmore, OK to make a political point.  Or similar theatrics in Wisconsin and Indiana.  As a taxpayer, this just makes me MAD.  How dare they waste the time of the district patrons and of the employees present!  How dare they derail the work of the district!  Yes, it was “just” a work-study meeting, and nothing was voted on other than the personnel matters from closed session, but those are important votes that keep the district moving forward in an orderly way!  They also gave up their chance to ask questions and discuss the matters that were on the discussion agenda.  Since that is the only way that divergent views and values are factored into the decisions of the board, they failed in their duty as Trustees to be at the dais and to contribute to the decision.  For THEATER!  Shame on them!

Apparently, Proctor and Huckaby each handed the press a press release, so this was not the case of a spontaneous response to something that happened at the meeting.  It was a calculated political maneuver to… What???  Well, think about what THEIR agenda is.  I think it’s pretty clear they are willing to throw the work of the district under the bus in order to make a political point, especially now that there is an election in less than two months.  REALLY??  And how embarrassing for Katy ISD.  This district used to be the envy of others all around the State.  It is antics like this that will paint us a laughing stock….   And when we have a reputation as having a thoroughly dysfunctional school board, what businesses will relocate here?  What great teachers and administrators will want to work here?  What people will want their children educated here?  What will happen to our home values and quality of life?  


  1. I'm so confused here I can't make heads or tails, and I'm hoping you can help. Did Proctor and Huckaby walk out because it was inappropriate to take a vote on that issue (offering administrators the 2-year contracts) at THAT TIME, and would it have been possible for them to publicly protest the vote at the time of the meeting? Could they have had the board delay that vote and then stay to take part in OTHER matters? Do you think it's appropriate to ask to grant 2-year contracts to administrators --with cuts coming down the pike (it sounds like Frailey wants to protect his "cronies"-- is THAT the case?)? It's obvious that games are being played, but I'm not familiar enough with how this is supposed to work to make a clear judgment on who is doing what and whether or not it's "o.k."! (I'm the parent of an 8th grader and a 5th grader in Katy ISD schools, and I completed my librarian internship with Katy ISD-- no jobs b/c of the cuts!-- so I feel like I have a horse in this race, and would really like to understand things so I can responsibly participate! I know you have a great deal of experience with Katy ISD and its board-- any help you can offer towards that will be MUCH appreciated!)

  2. This contract renewal process is a normal process that is done around this time of year. If any board member has any objections at all they should discuss those that concern an individual person in closed session.

    If the issue is one of not wanting to support a two year contract, then the member should do so in Open session and attempt to influence a majority of the board to agreement with their position.
    That is simply the democratic process and nothing evil. What was done here was simply grandstanding to make an issue in time to drum up support to gain a majority of like minded cronies on the board. God help us all if the public buys this crap.


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