Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Congratulations to Tory Hill, MCJH Principal!

Congratulations Mr. Hill!!  Last night, Mr. Hill was recognized for having been named Region IV Middle School Outstanding Principal of the Year!  This explanation is from the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals' website:
The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals is an association formed by and for over 5000 campus level administrators. Established in 1922, its purpose is to build an active network of educators that want to take responsibility for the quality of school leadership....School administrators are nominated and chosen by their peers within their regions and then applications from these recipients are reviewed by the TASSP Principal Image Committee who selects the finalists. Nominations are based upon exemplary performance and outstanding leadership in secondary education.  
So typical of Mr. Hill-- When I ran into him in the board room just before the meeting, we talked about the construction going on at the school and I assumed he was there for Teacher of the Year or a student recognition.  I've known for a long time that he does a wonderful job leading Mayde Creek Junior High, and have watched him lead by example with humility and compassion.  I'm so pleased and proud to see him recognized by this organization! Katy is lucky to have such a terrific administrator and leader.
Frankly, this is a big deal, and I am disappointed I can't find it on the Katy ISD website :-(
Good luck in Austin, Mr. Hill!  I hope you win Texas Middle School Outstanding Principal!  

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